Monday, February 16, 2009

Balloon Festival

On 10th of February every year there is a Balloon Festival in Kamihinokinai, Nishiki, Semboku City, Akita. Huge hot air paper balloons are released. They were between 8 to 12 metres in height and about 3 metres in diameter. The balloons are first filled with hot air from gas hoses, and then a ball of material soaked in fuel is attached and ignited. The balloons can travel for kilometres or crash nearby. I don't know if they collect the balloons afterwards, to be honest I don't see how they could!

There are two festivals on the same date every year, and they are a little apart, the other festival being the Giant Tug of war in Kariwano, Daisen City. We decided to try to make it the two festivals. But the Balloon Festival was further away than we thought. We still tried to make the Tug of war, but arrived just as it ended.

We stayed at the Balloon festival for only about 30 minutes, but it was really impressive. These are some of the video clips we took while there.

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